Untitled 2D game engine pre-alpha
A 2D game engine made with Vulkan in C++
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 constants_and_types.hConstants and types used within the engine
 engine.hImports all library files TODO: rename this file to the name of the engine
 game.cppHandles game logic. Definition for game namepsace found in game.h
 game.hDefines game namespace, can be found in game.cpp
 renderer.cppHandles renderering pixels/sprites/etc to the screen. Definition for draw namepsace found in renderer.h
 renderer.hDefines draw namespace, can be found in renderer.cpp
 window.cppHandles window creation and Vulkan initialization and main loop. Definition for Window namepsace found in window.h
 window.hDefines window namespace, can be found in window.cpp